Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

190 4Chain o f Principles. Aph. 4. fatisfledwith the famefs of thy houfe and thou ./halt make them drink of the river of thy :pleafures : f®r with thee is thefountain oflife, in thy light ¡hall we fie light. §. 5. For improvement hereof. As our Saviour once Paid, Be ye merciful': fo Be ye bountifull, let me fay, as your father is bountifull. S` Paul having praifed the Macedonians for their deep poverty aboundingunto the riches of their liberality , urgeth thegrace and benignityof Chriít as a principal mop give to excite his Corinthians to a like exercife of bounty towards the poor z Cor.S.z,9. Saints at Jerufalem. Forye knoly, faith he, thegrace of our Lord lefus Chrifl, that though he way rich, yet foryour fakes he be- came poor, thatye through hispoverty might beórich. More especially let us all learn fromhence not to deal niggardlywith God himfelf; but to think no pains too great no expence too much no time too long that is ípent in his fer vice : Not, as the manner of force is, who fo manage the.profefsion of reli- gion,