. Chain of Principles. 191 gion as if their main care and frudy Exorc. 3. were how to ferve himwith moil eafe, and to come off with the cheapef per- formances. Da'id, Paul, and Luther, were men of another fpirit. The hilt, as he delighted in the commemoration of divine bounty to him, Paying, .1 °will Praia 3.6. ling unto the Lord , becaufe he bath dealt bountifully with me : And again, Return unto thy rejI O my foul , for the Lord bath dealt bountifully with thee; fo he was no niggard in his returns but ever and anon enquiring what he Mould do to Seífifie his thankfulnefs What (hall I Praa,iiG.tz;. render unto the Lord far all his benefits to- Dards me ? And as providence offered occafion laying himfelf out for God; witnefs that his refolution, teftified to Araunah the lebufite , not to offer unto the Lord of that which coil him no- z Sam.z4. 4.; thing. The fecond was willing to z có1.12. =s. end and to be heat in the work of his rniniflery; and not to be bound one- A&s ly but to die at 7erufaiem for the name of the Lord 7e/tis , who had there fuffered