191 Aph.4.. Tullus ailit dies quin ad mini- mum tres horas, edsque ftudiis aptifmzs in orationem pa- rat. Melcho Adam, invita Lutheris. pag. 138, I4Z. Rom.3.3 z, Chain o `d'ri ciples. fuffered not bonds onely,but death for him. " The third during his retire. "nient in the caffle at Coburga for the " fifery of his perfon having then " more time to fpare for devotion " thenhis many publick employments " had been wont to afford him was " no niggard of it ;But as one Vitus The- "odorus, who then lived with him, in- `` formed Melanchthon, (pent no leis in " prayer to God then at leaft three " houres every day and thofe fuck "houres as were fittefí for fiudy. And yet O the bufinefs of force mens fpi- rits ! whole Cervices coil themvery lit- tle or no intention, whiled in (lead of ufing theworld, as if they ufed it not, they ufe good duties as if they did not ufe them; pray as if they prayed not, hear as if they heard not keep the Sabbath as if they kept it not and re- pent as they did no fuck thing: Who although they profefs beleeving in ChrifF, and know that God eared not bis own Son, but delivered himupPr us all, yet