Chain ofI'rá cpiesó z23 yet deal fo fparingly with theLord, as Exerc. ;.` togrudge him (I fay not every drop of bloud, but) offweat,yea almoll every minute of time that they fpend in his immediate fervice.Let fuchmen know that to be over-thrifty in our expenfes upon God is the worll piece of husa bandry in the world. I (hall difmifs them with that of Moles to thofeun- thankful) men of Iírael, Do ye thus re- D ur.3z.l. quite the Lord, 0 foolfb people and un- wife! 4. 6. A fifth branch is faithfulnef One letterof this glorious name is A- bundant in truth, that is, in faithfulnefs. Multi sfide, fo Polito renders it. Thefe two are frequently joyned in Scri- pture, as exegeticall of each other. So when Chrifl is flyled the Amen, . the Apoc.3.14. faithfull and true witnefs, and the coun- fels of God laid to be faithfulnefi and I1a.Z5 . a truth. God abounds in it fo as tohave no mixture of the contrary, although the be{t of men have force. Whence that of Paul Let God be true that is, Ro142.3.4; C c owned