Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

194 Aph. 4. John.i.4 Deus ehi veritas finefallacia, bo- nitas fine MI- 1, felicitas (in> miferia. FulgentJib.i. ad monim. Tim.z.i;. Diabo!usfemper #alai eft,fcd non ¡empet men- daz; ly. it X01.12ailt. itChain of Principles owned and acknowledged for fuel, but every man a lyar. A lightfomebody may have fomewhat ofdarknefs in it;, for example a precious none forne. fpeck or cloud, but light it felf admits ofnone. God is light and in him there is no darknefs at all So God is truth, and . in. him there is no falíhoodat all. God that cannot lie faith theApoftie. Satan is fo the father of lies , as that hedoth . notwithifanding at times fpeak forre . truth, to the end he may deceive the better God fo the father of truth as that he can never lie,, no more then he can deny himfelf; which: is utterly im- pofsible. If Tye beleeve not, yet he abideth faithful], ait l he cannot deny himfelf. Now his truth appeareth efpecially in two things.. Firft, Thefulfilling of all his props f s; which [hall as surely receive their ac- cornplifhrrent in due ieafon, as that of Chrifts Incarnation didwhen the fulnefs oftime keys come; and that of bringing the people of 1fradl out ofEgypt at the end'