Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

.fl Chain ofPrinciples: 195 end of four hundred and thirty years; Exerc. 3. which was moll: exaftly performed the Pelf-fame day in which that number of years was expired. The Greek word for truth as force think according to its Etymology implies not forget- 'Ahñ0.cau, [xrticuh n.^ocu ing what one hathpromifed. God re- tit)! & t.t,va rnembereth whatever he hath at any o5`ltd° time laid, and that fo effetually, as to make everyone of his promu es good, although perhaps long after the ma- king of them ; yea and aftermany ap- pearances to the contrary. See it in ./1- braham. He receiveth a command to Gen' go out to a land wh£;h the Lord fhould íhew him, and a prornife that it should be given tohimand his. He goeth; but meeteth with agreat famine at his fiat coming thither , which forced him to flee into Egypt for bread, becaufe he was like to ftarve there. Yet afterwards it proved a landflowing with milk and honey to his pof}erity. An- other grand promife made to ,4braham oen,=s.14 was that his feed Mould be as the liars of C c 2 heaven