Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

19 Chainof Principles. Aph. 4. heawnfor multitude : yet Ifaac the fon of promile was not born till a good while after; and being grown was like to have been offered up for a facrificeat ozr. _5. to, Gods command. But the Lord feared compared with him, and a wife is at length procured for him ; yet for twenty years together after his marriage he hathno iffue by her. All this while how fmall appea- rance is there ofa numerous feed? Nei- ther did the poflerity of Ifaacbegin to multiy plie ofa long time after this for GM 4& =7a all the fouls of the houle of Jacob which tame into Egypt were no more but threefcoreand ten. In Egypt a courfe was taken by Pharaohs tyranny to keep them from increafing. But behold the faithfulnefs and truth ofGod, whobe. ing mindfull ofhis promife, caufed filch frui.tfulnefs amongi them not withflanding all obflacles, that there were nurnbred in the fecond year after Num1. a. !, their corning e- out ofEgypt more then compared with J ahap4,.32.,3 .lix hundredTthouland fighting men,be: fides women and children, and the whole:tribe ofLevi, §. 7P Se