198 AChiin of Principles. Aph. 4. part , is always included and fome_ times expreífed as in that place ofJe- Jera use 7, $o remiah, At what inftant Ifrailj eak con- cerning a nation and concerning a kingdome, to pluck up, and topull down, and to deftro:r it; Ifthat nation, againft î hom I havepro- nounced turnfrom their evil, I will repent cfthe evil that I thought to do unto them. Be we admoniflied from hence, Firff, What to pramfe in reference to God , to wit Truth inour promifes to and covenants withhim , that fo our returns may be anfwerable in kinde to '=à'. = 6 =o, our receits.All his haysare mercy and truth to us-ward ; therefore all ours íhould be truth and faithfulnefs towards him Thrice happywe whatever our out- ward condition prove, ifwebe able to profefs in the fincerityofour hearts, as they did in Pfalm the fourty fourth, All this is come upon us, yet have The notforgot- ten thee neither have The dealt falfly in thy Covenant. Our principal comfort flows from Gods keeping his Covenant of grace with u.s ; it íhould therefore be our