itchain of Principles. 199 our principal care to keep touch with Exerc. 3 him. 4.8. Secondly, What to look for in re- f erence to our felves. To wit an exact fulfilling of all promifes and threat- nings that are conditional according . to their feverall conditions. Hath the faithful' and truewitnefs Paid He that beleeveth and is baptized(hall be raved, but he that beleeveth not fhall be damned? Let no unbeleever then he continueth in that efbate, expe& falva9 tion neither any that beleeveth and walketh inChrifì fear damnation, tie- ing he bath Truth it Pelf engaged for his fffety ; and feeing thefaith ofGods Tir, T. 7, eleE according to StPauls doetrine, tliouldgo hand in hand with the hope of . eternal life, which God that cannot lie prorni- fed before the world began. Let all that . with well to Zion make full account that in due time The mountain of the Ifaì. t, 2, Lords pouf pall be eftabli/hed in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills , and all nations 'hall flow int it becauí'e