so-o A Chain of Principles. Aph. q. becáufe it hath beenpromifed of old. Let them allo know affuredly, that the Thep z s, Lord will co f ne .Antichrif with the f i- rit ofhis mouth and deflroy him pith the brightnefs ofhis coming; becaufe this coin- rnination ftandeth upon the file in ho- ly Scripture, and is not yet completely verified. Former ages have feen Anti chriß 1\afcent when the Bifhop of Rome firfr ufurped authority over all the Churches; Antichrif crefcent, when he began to maintain the doctrine of adoring Images, and praying to Saints departed ; 4intichrifl Tlegnant, when he exalted himfelf above Kings and Bmm p.erours, letting up his mitre above their crowns;yea ./Intichrii Triumphant, when he once becameLord ofthe Ca- tholick faith, fo as none might beleeve without danger more or lefs, or other- wifethen he prefcribed. To this obfer- vation made by one of our own learn. D' Crakan ed countreymen, let meadd ; we our thorp, in his vhgi/i dami- (elves have feen him Ántichr1fl Cadent, tans chap. i 3 § .24, falling and waining ever fnce Luther, Calvin Perkins and others were let on work