Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

./1 Chain of Principles. work byGod to unmask him. And no Exerc. 4. doubt, ifwe do not, ourpoferity (hall fee him ,Arttichrift marient, dying and gi- ving up the ghof : for the Lord faith- full and true hath not ónely threatned his ruine but foretold that his day is coming. EXERCITATION 4. Keeping mercy for thoufands explained. Men exhorted to trufl God with their poflerity. Lu- thers laß Will and2'efiarnent. Iniquity, tranf. greßion and fin what. Six Scripture- exprefsions fitting out the pardon thereof Gods goodnefs there- in. Faith andrepentance the way to it. Pardon in the Court ofFieavcn, andofconfiience. The equi- ty andnecefsity offorgiving one another. we are to forgive ,,ts Godfor chrifis fakeforgiveth us viz. heartily , Oeedily, frequently, throughly. A twofold remembranceof injuries, in cautelati & lia vindiáarn. 5 . THe fixth branch of divine goodness, is the Lords keeping mercie for thoufands ; which phrafe ad- mitteth of fundry notions, worthy of diligent confideration. D d Firf,