yl ChainofPrinciples. 203 Jufiring , for apattern to them whichJhould Exerc. aim hereafter beleeve on him to life everlalling. Which is the next observable. Thirdly keeping it for time to come, as 12ell as diJenJng it at prefènt. God bath mercy in hand , and mercy in ftore. We now ray as it is in theLa- rrentationsr, It is of the Lords mercy that Lam. 3, 2.9. we are not confumed, becauf his co?npafsions fail not. The fame will they haveocca fon to profefs that fhall come after us. God keepeth mercy, and mercy keep- eth us. Created goodnefs indeed be. ing limited, maybe juftly fufpe&edof penurie. Efau might have fomewhatto plead for his laying, .F -faß thou but one blefsingmyfather ? But Divinegoodnefs is like an ocean without either banks or bottome. Our heavenly Father hath blefsings refereed , as well as befiow-. ed: manymore blefsings then one, yea for many moreperlons thenone; as it followeth. Fourthly, Keeping mercyfor thoufands, and that not oftenons onely but, as it is in D z the