Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

2 0+ el Chain ofPrinciples. Aph. 4. the Chaldee, for thoufands ofgenerations. Eccier. I. 4. Onegeneration goes fai th thePreacher,and another generation cometh; but the earth abi® dethfor ever. Not one ofall thefe gene- rations but coming and going tafteth PE!. 33. s. ofmercy; and the 'hole earth during the time ofthefe revolutions are Allfull of the Lorclsgoodnefs. When the ark refired ÿarc c36. M'ofes Paid, P\eturn, 0 Lord, unto the many thoufands of lfrael. He that charged his providence with the thoufands of If= rael, is ready to charge it with the thou- fands ofEngland, both in this and after ages if they do not apofratize from him, and fo forfake their own mercy. 4. z. Well may we therefore truf God with our polerity, feeing he that bath {hewed mercy to us keepeth mercy for them. As that fountain of light the Sun is not weary with fhining; it gi- veth us light and keepeth light for our Antipodes : fo this fountain of mercy is never tired with communica- ting goodnefs to one generation after another. Good parents in bad times are