Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

3,o,ó 4 Chain of Principles. Aph. ç. lefs either the children degenerate or the parents diflruling providence, make ufeoflomeunlawful' means for their promotion. Inwhich cafe, Wo to Ha''ez,9Io, him faith the Prophet, that coveteth an evil covetou/net to his houft,that he mightjet his neft on high-- Thou haft confultedthane to thy houle-- For theftone(hall cry out ofthe lbalc and the beam out of the timber,(hall anfiver it. If proboam out of defign to fecure the kingdome and fettle the crown in his own line, will take the pra&ife of Idolatry as a means to this King, =3 °34 end; This thine becomesfin unto the houfe of jeroboam, even to cut it oil, and to deftroy it from offthe face of the earth. Nowonder then, ifwhen Gods ownpeculiar peo- ple begin to ditlruíl him, and by reas íonof unbelief take irregular courfes for their advancement in the world, this very thing prove an obflruction to that mercy , which they and theirs might have otherwife been partakers of. Such as would bePure to finde him £xoa.zo,6, a God Ihewing and keeping mercy unto thou-