Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

fl Chain of Principles.. 207 thoufands, muff` be carefull to be found Exerc. 4. in the number of thofe that love him and keep his commandments, as he hirnfelf in- formeth us in theDecalogue. §. 3. The feventh branch is fo di Ting iniquity, tranfrefsion andfin. Where the terms are multiplied to note the readinefs of God to forgive our offen- ces, how many foever they be, though tranfgrefsion beadded to iniquity, and fin to tranfgrefsion. How great foever sce Muis on they be 1n- efcha, which fgnifieth rebel- Prdl 5 7 °r. lious as well as (hattaah, which im- ports failings; and of what kinde foe- ver they be, whether original, viz, the crookednes & perverfnes ofnature,in- timated in Avon theword ufed in that fpeech of David, behold, 1was /hapen ii, iniquity,°or atuall,expreffedby the two other terms. To help our underfrand- ing herein,the HolyGhofc in Scripture is pleated to makeufe offundry expref fions very fignificant, when he fpeak.s, ofGods pardoning fin. viz. I. Taking it al)9ay, as in that peace of H%a,