2O$ Aph. ,q.. nor.,9.2.. Quid retribuam Dominoquad recolit hæc me- morin mea, (J' & anima mea nnn metuit inde? Augu[l. Con fei .c.7, Ifa. 3'8. 7, .1Chain o f Principles. Hofea, where the Church is direaed to make her addreffes on this wife, Take Zvith you words, and turn to theLord fay unto him, Take away all iniquity ,and receive usgracioufly ; fo will De render the calves of our lips. Not as ifwhen iniquity is for- given it were prefently to be taken out of the memory; but that which the Saints defire is to have it taken out of the confcience that their hearts may accule them for it nomore. As a thorn in the hedge is a fence, but an offence in themidíf ofagarden : So fin in the memorymay do well to keep us from relapfing, but is agrievance in thecon- fcience. Which made .fluflin after affu- rance offorgivenefs,whenhe hadmade confefsion of his former aberrations, biefs God that hecould now call them to minde without being affrighted at the confideration ofthem. I I. Callingof our fins behinde his back. So in Heekiahs fong, Thou haft in love to my foul, faith he, delivered it from the pit ofcorruption; for thou haft call all myfins bea