Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

ChainofTrindpies. 2,09 bebinde thy back. This God doth with a Fxerc. ., purpofe never to view themmore Ocu- lo vindice, fo as to take vengeance for them, though Oculojudice,he cannot but by reafon of his Omnifcience fee and di%ern them. All the while Davids fins were before his own face, and he ma- king a penitent confefsion ofthem as in the one and fiftieth Pfalm, I acknow- Palm 5=4: ledgedmy trapfgrefions, andmy fin is ever before me they were cafe behinde the back ofGod, as theProphet Nathanof lured him , laying, The Lord bath put z Sam,' 3 away tbyfin, thou'halt not die. I I I. Scattering them as a cloud, or as a mill. So the Geneva tranflation hath it in that cheering paffageofIfaiah, Ihave Ie' +a-z put away thy tranfgrefsions like a cloud, and thy fins a a mill. Sin is that which in- terpofeth it Ofbetween the foul and the light of Gods countenance: But whether it be a (lender milt or a thick cloud, an infirmity or a rebellion, the fun of righteoufnefs eyed by faith can and will difpell it fo, as to make it vaA nifh. E e 4.4. IV. Co-