Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

2,10 Aph. 4. Pfalm 31.1. Si texit peccata Peru nu!reitad- vertere; Si no- Irti advertere noluitazri;nad_ zertere;Si noire- it animadverte- re noluitpunire. A.uguft,in loc. Micah 7. at, '94 ChainofPrinciples. §.4. I V. Covering or hiding them.. So in the Plalm, Blefled is be whole tran /grefion isforgiven, whole fin is covered. Men ne- ver punifh hidden fins,becaufe the law taketh noticeof none , but fuchonely as come to light, bybreaking out in words or actions. God is according- ly Paid= to cover and hide thole fins as it were out of his fight, which he never intends to inflia puniíhment for. . V. Thro ing them into thedepth of the Sea. Thus in M cha's Prophefie, Who is a God like unto thee that pardoned; 6-c. He will fubdue our iniquities, and thou wilt call all our fins into the depths of the .Sea. Alluding perhaps to what befell Pha- raoh andhis hoft in the red lea, which drowned the greateft Egyptian Com- manders as well. as themeaneft com- mon fouldier. The vaft Ocean over- foweth both the lowet (ands and the higheO rocks : that of Gods pardon- ng grace rernoveth both the fmaller prevarications and the gruffer abomi- nations