Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

AChain of Principles 2,11 nations of all fuch, as are truly peni. Exerc. 4. tent beleevers. V I. Blotting them out, as in Davidss petition, Have mercy upon me, O God, ac- rfal-:>.r; cording to thy loving kindnefi ; according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my tranfgrefsions. Wherein he alludeth to the cuí$ome of Creditours, whoufe to fet down what every oneoweth,and when debts arc either forgiven or paid, to blot them out. Our fins are called debts in the Lords Prayer Chrifl as our furety bath given fads- faction to divine Juftice for them ; When this is once apprehended and appliedby a lively faith God iiueth out a pardon; drawingas it were, the lines of Chrifs Crofs over the lines of his debt*book ; fo as he may í}ill fee the fum we were indebted in but fees itcancelled never to be exa ted more. §. 5. Be we then advertifed from hence in the hf place to acknow- ledge the lingular goodnefs of God to E e 2 us