Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

2,12; Chain of Principles. Aph. 4. us in this particular, of forgiving our iniquity, tranfgrefsion and fin. David in the place laí1 cited fpeaketh_of it as a. fpecial evidence of loving kindnefs and tender mercies. The Apoílles Creed, having premifed the articles concerning Chrifl, by whom all bief fngs wereprocured for the Catholick Church, when it comes to recite them, nameth forgivenefs of fins in the firfr place, as the choifefl priviledge on this fide heaven. And in that compendious prayer, which our Saviour taught us, there is a remarkable connexion of twopetitions by a conjunftive parti- cle, not to be found in any of the for- mer. Give us this day our dayly bread, And forgive us our trefpaffes. To Thew that as our dayly fins make us unwor- thy ofdayly bread,fo there is no fweet- nefs in them till the other be pardons ed. Bread and all other outward mer- cies a manmayreceive from an angry Cod pardon offin never comethbut from favour and fpecial love,yea riches of