dChain of Principles.. 213 ofgrace,as Paul expreffeth it, (peaking Exerc. 4. of Chriff, In Tvhom The have redemption EpherT.,. through bis bloud, the forgiveneßoffins ac- cording to the riches ofhisgrace. 4. 6. In the fecond, to beleeve and repent, that we may be found in the number of thole towhom this choice blelsing is imparted. Scripture telleth us men mufr be turned from darknefs to AaszS.s: light, from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgivenefs offins, and an inheritance among them that arefanEified, by faith that is in Chrifl. Alfo that God bath exalted him with his right hand to be axâ <r,T Princeand a Saviour,for togive repentance to Iliad and forgivene f offins. Obferve the method, Repentance firf+,and then forgivenefs God loth not befcow his dif{inguifhing favours upon all men promifcuoufly. Pardoningmercydoth . indeed come from himwith cafe (he is called a God ready to pardon ) but Nchem,9.,7, droppeth not from him at unawares Simurr T bct f ¿ -- that I may allude to what Seneca faid cirem fey rfor.. of his liberal man. He will know p at e er,ßcotum. . e 3 whom