z r + A Chain of Principles. Aph. .. whom he befloweth his forgivenefs upon. Unbeleeving, unrepenting (in- ners never obtained it; faithfull peni- tents never yet went without it. They may perhaps not be fo feniïble of it in times of temptation and ofdesertion: but to make ufe ofa known diftin- âion whereas there is a double for- giveness one in the high court of heaven, of which theLord fpeaketh in t chron.7.14. his anfwer to Solomons prayer, Then 1bill I hear from heaven and forgive their fins. (all authentical pardons are coined there; the (tampingofthem is a part of prerogative royal; and it is no leis then high treafon in the Pope to have his mint of Indulgences going at Pomne) Another in the Court ofconfcience,fpoken I br ic. 2. of in the epiftie to the Hebrews The worshippers once purged /hould have hadno mare confcience offins : it may fafely be afferted that forgivenefs is certainly pafíed in the Court of heaven when foever Chriff is received byfaith; ac- cording to that , Be it known untoyou, that