Chain o f Principles. 215 that through this man, meaningChriíí, is Exerc. 4. preached untoyou the forgivene/s of f ns; and by him all that beleeve are juflifed from all things from 1ïhich they could not be ju/li- fied by the lalv of Mofs. Yet may there for force (pace of time after this not . determinable byany man, bewanting a leal upon earth to this pardon ; and the beleever continue not fo fullyac- quitted in thecourt of his own confci. ence, as to be affured of forgivenefs till the Lord hath taught him by experi- ence to feeand acknowledge that af- furance ofpardon is a freegift of his,, as well as faith, orpardon it. Pelf. 4.7. In the thirdplace,.. To befollow. Ephef; s. 1. ers of God a dear children, tender hearted, "d 4.32 forgiving one another e'en as God for Chrifls fake bathforgiven us. We fhould Firft, Forgive one another. The equi- ty and necefsity whereofare both ex= ceedingly preffed by our Saviour to- the end we might not look at it either- as unreafonable, or as arbitrary,. The former by his parable in the eighteenth