2,16 ÄChain ofPrinciples. Aph. 4. of Matthew. The wrongs we fuffer Matti!. =s. compared to the fins we commit are f,©rn verCe z 2 e tß the end, but as an hundred pence to ten thou- fand talents ; great odds both in num- ber and weight for number ten thoufand to one hundred ; and for weight the one fort are talents the other pence. What more equal then that we who have fo many talents for- given us, íhould be ready to forgive fo few pence The latter in an exprefs declarationannexed to the Lords pray- M.ttttio 6. r4, er. Ifye forgive men their treiPafs , your ''' heavenly Father Dill alfo forgive you; But ífye forgive not men their trelpafs nei- ther will your Fatherforgiveyour tre/ is es. Whence it followeth, that perfons ad- dicaed to,revenge, fo oft as they repeat that petitition Forgive ws our treffaès, as De forgive them that tre. of againfi u do in efpe&make a dreadful! impreca- tion againfl themfelves ; and fetch down a curie from heaven in (lead of a blefsing. For he that faith with his tongue, Lord, I pray thee forgive me, as