Chaino f Principles: as I forgive others ; but meanwhile faith in his heart, I cannot I will not forgive much an one, doth he not by confequence fay to God Forgive not me ? doth he not pronounce himfèlf unworthy ofpardon, and in eWed fub- fcribe to the fentence of his own con- demnation ? Yet alas how common a fin is revenge'. As the heart in the na- tural body is the firs member that li- veth, and the laft that dies : fo revenge in the heart is a luft that foonefl ap- peareth in children, and is often long- eft ere it be healed in the regenerate. Molanws telleth us that the Chrif+ians of old in Auf/ins time were wont to beat upon their breams in a deep fenfe of their fins , at the Nobid in the begin- ning of the forementioned Petition Forgive Us: well may the mot ofmen now allays beat their breafis for grief, and hang down their heads for fhame at the Nos in the latter claufe, As we for- give. For how few are there that do it aright ? Seeing that, Ff §.8. Se- 2.I7 Exerc, 4a flssgrffi tá fectt-; lo ad ,i ocena Nobsouil3bet Gï ;liaRrs pc9 csus frturn tu clebat. ]o, hica lanus, Theofo pra&icx corn. Pend. ^ . i,