G'hain of Principles. 2,19 betimes : fo in pardoning he forgi- Exerc. 4. veth twice that forgiveth with ípeed; his forgivenefs receivetha double wel- and fhall have adouble reward. It is not for Chriftians toharbour ani. mofities in the courfeof their lives ,and think to falve it by laying we forgive all the world, when they lie upon their deathbeds. F©r that maybeapplied to pardoning, which Divines ufually fay of repenting, True fogiveneJs is never to late but late forgivenefs is feldome true. Wherefore lit not the fun go d cn,n upon Epher. . 2.6, lour ¡wrath as Paul advifeth his Ephef ans. If that which was but a mote at I«tefluca, eft odium rrabe,, hr(t, be watered and cherilhed with nugufta the frefh fufpicions of force fewdays, it will turn toa beam, and gonear to put out the eye of love. Thirdly, Frequently Taithout flint or li- mitation. God multiplied) pardon ; fo ICa7- 5 5. 7. Mould we. When ye ftandpraying for A2ark zi, z5 give,faithChrift; and Paul bids us Pray Ting se 17 continually. We fhould therefore be in- ,lined to forgive continually ; and to F f z make