Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

zzo . Chain of'Principles. Aph.4. make aaual performance when%cver,. there is anopportunity. Peter thought he had offered fair when he asked, AZatth, /s,r,, mow oft 32° (hall my brotherfin again11 me, and fojgn e:him ? adding till (even times, as makingaccount that furely that was often enough. But our Saviour maketh nothing of that number; would by no means have him flay there. 7efuffaith unto him, Ifay not unto thee till f ven times, but untill feventy times feven : putting a certain definitenumber for an indefi- nite and thereby intending to teach that his followers Should forgive To. ties quoties fo oft as they (hall be trefpaf- fedagainfl. 4.9. Fourthly,Throrzglly,as without ex' cepting, fo without remembrizig any offence. God excepteth not any of our fins Joh, when he affordeth us pardoning grace. But ifeve conf f ,he isfaithfull juß to fir- giveus ourfins, to cleanfe us from all un- righteoufizefs. Should hereferve but one unforgiven that one would fink our .fouls to hell. It is our duty to imitate him