Chain ofPrinciples. 2Z I himherein. Forgive, faith Chriff, ifyeExerc. 4; haveought againfi any. Whoever the per. Mark 1. 25. fon , and whatever the thing be, you muff forgive. One of the Evangeli'íls fettethdown thepetition thus inour Saviours form ofprayer, Forgive us our Luke I. 4 fins, for we afo forgiveevery one that is in .debted to urs. It mull thenbe performed without excepting any either perfon, or a%nce. As alfo without remem,. bring any. God doth fo forgive our fins as not to keep a regifler of them. 1, even I am he, faith the Lord , that blot- Ifai43 Z. tethout thy tranfgre/sionsfor mine own fake, and 'bill not remember thy fins. Yet with .us what more frequent then laying , _I forgive fuch a man, fuch a wrong; . but fhall never forget it or him ? A dif}in- ¿lion that came not out of Chrifls fchool, but Satans mint. Paul was ofa different fpirit witnefs that remark- able pH-age of his to the Galatians, g3rethren 1 hefted) you be ais Iam for Iam Gaiar, 4 . i z; Vide Bezam 46 ye pare ; ye have not injured me at all. & Gtorlum Where he feemeth to defire that every in loci f 3 member