Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

ZZ A chainofPrinciples. Aph.4. member of the Church in Galatia would be to him as an Alter ego, ano Cher felf, Peeing he was affeeted as ano- ther felfto eachof them. But had they not injured him ? yes very much, in preferring the falfe Apoftles before him, quefHioning his dotrine, yeabe- coming his enemies and that for tel ling them the truth; yet behold him profefsinghere, Ye have not injured me at all , becaufe there wrongs were as no wrongs in his eiimation , it was not his purpofe to impute them; he (peaks as one that had really forgotten them by reafon of his refolution to forgive them. There is I confefs, a kindeofre- membrancenot inconfif+ent with true forgivenefs when prudent men re- member offences and offenders in cau- telarn, fo as to beware for the future of expofing themfelves to the like inju. ries: But Chriflians ought not to re- member invindiciana fo as to revenge themfelves upon the delinquents for wrongs done in time paff. I fay to re -- venge