Chain ofPrinciples. 223 venge for otherwife aChriíhian may Exerc. 5, feel( to right himfelf in a legal 'way, yea and tobring offenders to condignpu- nifhment till retaining a charitable minde towards them : even as God, though he have forgiven juífified per- fons, may notwithíbanding and often loth chaftife them with his fatherly correóions. EXERC1TA°rLON 5. The latter claufes of Exod. 34.7. fo translated and expounded as to contain an eighth branch of divine goodnefs, viz. Clemency in corral-- ing. Equity in vifiting iniquities of thefathers upon thechildren. Clemency in .Mopping at the third and fourth generation. A leßonfor Magi- (hates. 1' fpeech of our fElifabeth. Gods pro- clamation in Exod. 34. improvedby Mojes in Numb. 14. PT-He following claufes have 4. o _ more f n what of difficulty in them then any of the former, as be- ing varioufly rendered and expounded by Interpreters. The moll reade as we do