Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

tendernefs, Our howeh of love to God, of compafsion tobrethren. Mercy not to be refufedbyunbelief, norabufed by prefttm- ■ ption* m \ Exercitation 2. 169. Gracewhat. From itfpring Election, demption,VocationfdanHification,^Salvation.A Caveat not to receive it in Vain, It purgeth andcheereth. Glojjes uponTit. 2.u,i2.and 2Then .z.16 ,17 .The exaltation of free grace exhorted to. Long- fujfering not exercifed towards evil An gels > hut towards men of all Jorts. It leadetb to repentame; is Valued by God, andmuft not be fleightedbym. A dread* fuUexampleo fgoodnefsdejbtfed. Exercitation 3. tPag. 181. 'The bounty of God declared by his benefits, viz. giving his Son tofree usfrom hell, UsSpirit to fit usfor heaven, his Angels to guard us onearth, large provifions in t * * the