A Chain of crincifiesß 225 of the ...barites, for his mercy endured)fór Exerc. s. ever. 4nd Og the king of Ir3afhan, for his Prai.,36.'r%is, mercy enduretli for ever. As alto from that in the firft öfNahum,'I%e Lord isgood, a Nahum%7; 8. firong hold in the day oftrouble; and be knoweth them that tall in him : But with an overflowing (loud he will make an utter endof the place thereof, that is the op. prefsing cityNiniveh, and darknefs ¡ball purfue his enemies. 4. z. But the learned Critick Ludo- vices de Dieu, considering that in other places,.by name Zechar. 3. the word Nakah fignifieth to makevoid, and to cut off°, by altering the translation of theywords, puts them into a pollute oflooking directly at the goodnefs of God, and not with an oblique glance. He renders them thus, Evacuating, cut- ry cuaado non euacuabit,f c_ Ling off or defroying, he will not evacuate, cidendo ron uccicic cut of or deflroy;vißting the iniquities of the f de Diet. u L . Anugi- fathers upon the children Ez unto the third and madv oerr, in c'çag8a fourth generation: making this the fenfe, 8z' " So great is Gods goodnefs, that even " when he is angry.and punifheth,yet G g he