Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

Chain ofPrinciples. 227 wl not at all, he wil not byanymeans E erca rttei ly defrroy his people, however he May correct and chaften for fone rime. Suitable whereunto is that in Amos his rophefe Behold the eyes of theLord God AÜIL..l,.a are :upon the finfull kingdome; and I will de- flroy itfromoff the face of the earth, la- 11ing that Iwill not utterly deflroy the houf of Jacob, faith the Lord. 4. 3. This fenfe is exceedingly fa- voured by aparallel place in Jeremy, I am with thee, faith the Lord, tofâve thee. Jer,3a z 'Though .1 make a full end of all Nations whither I havefcattered thee,yet will .r not make a full end of thee; but I Dill corral thee in meafure. Then followeth-, VET NAKKEH LO ANAKKECA which Pa- gnin rendereth, And deliroying I pill not deflroy thee. It may further,and yet nior ftronglybe confirmed by apail-age in the fourteenth of Numbers. Thehand of faith having once falined upori God, will not readily let go his hol g Mofes had taken fait holdof that ditèo very which the Lord was pleafed, to G g z, make