2,2.8 44 Chain ofPrinciples. Aph. 4. makeof himfelf in this place of Exo- dus , and accordingly upon occafion improveth it by pleading with him for If-aels prefervation from a total' m- ine ; which was then deferved and. threatned making ufe to that end of thofe very terms the difcovery was made in, and among others of thole now under debate as molt argumen- tative in the fenfe contended for. It is. Natn,-. gi 17, as if he had faid, " Wilt thou, OLord; g` bringan utter deftru6tionupon this. `` whole people ? What fhall then be- "come of that goodnefs of thine ` which it pleated thee to proclaim to thy fervant in Sinai ? If thou beeft relblved to punifli them, yet.remem- " ber what thouhaft faid, eJlroying be } will not defiroy. Iftheir iniquities muff be vifited upon their children, O let it not be for ever, Lord, but onely to " the third and fourth generation, as ,(c thou haft fpoken. Whereas. from the words in that other fenfe, which is commonly received .Mfis could not pof.