AChain of 229 pofsibly have drawn fo Prong a plea. Exerc. 5 For ifGod mill by no means clear thegull, tyi all Iiiael having at that time con- traded a deep and deadly guilt what iiikcrence could be made from thence, but all Ifrael were ofnecessity to perifh ? g.4. Secondly: by a particular in- fiance contained in the 'aft claufe, Vi- /zing the iniquities of the fathers upon the children, and upon the childrens children, un- to the third, and fourthgeneration. For the cleerer explication whereof, it will be requifite to demonfhrate that God in fo doing exercifethboth equity , and clemency, left either fhould be doubt- ed of. Concerning, the former ; Al- though by an exprei::s lawMagifhrates Dzur, 740 16. path be forbidden to put children to death z co K;nmós red 14wi <. Vci for their parents fins; i yet God, who s de id sure e G berolls um authour oflife and death hath referved & pads, "P` ar, i4e to himfelfa libertyoffo doing, when= foever it pleafethhim, by r.ea, on of its fiipreme dominion over all aid therefore for him to infli& inferiorq G g 3 tel:T],