Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

230 4Chin of `Principles. Aph.4. temporal - punifhments in that cafe, cannot but be accounted jul . the ra- ther if we take into conlìderation that children maybe accounted part of the parents themfelves : for as a mans wife is himfelf divided fo his children are himfelf multiplied. However they are undoubtedly part of their parents. goods , and fo effeemed. When God Job = =2. had once raid concerning Job Behold, all that he bath is in thy pourer Satan by vertue of that Commifsion flew not his cattel and fervants onely but his ions anddaughters. And whenhe had Jcfua7. =s, determined concerning Achan , Let 24' 5' !:m, andall that he bath be burnt with fire, the Ifraelites in obedience to that com- mand burnt his children together with his other fubffance. §. 5. As to the latter Gods vifiting on this wife will be found an ad of clemency, as well as of equity, if it be confidered, Firf}, That it is but to the third and fourth generation, not to all generati-. ons,