Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

ifChain o f Principles. 23 r ons , and for. ever according to the Exert.. 5. Pfalmifls expoffulation, Wilt thou bean- Pfal. 5. e gry with tofir ever ? wilt thou draw out thine anger to allgenerations ? Not to do thus is mercy, witnefs that in Nehe- miah, For thygreat mercies lake thou didß Nehem.9. 3t. not utterly confume ù them, norforfak' them: for thou art agracious and mercifull God. Secondly That all forts of finners are not fo punifbed but onely or mainly fuck as are guilty of the molt hainous provocations ; chiefly Idol- tees and worfhippers of falle Gods. For the fecond commandment (which is the frrfr place of Scripture wherein wemeet with this exprefsion) hath it thus i the Lord thy God am ajealous God DCun °diJe in facris literis pe. viJiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the craliriteillidi- sun!rcr qui fal- children , unto the third and fourthgenera- cros Dc©s uiunt; fion of them that bate me. that is, of them ita ut ncgcx Tvlaimon:cíes that manifeft their hatred of me by aräo ferfis id 10- qurndi ;cntu s c committing fpiritual adultery with pe:ih'. Grotius in explicar, Idols which as Tome affirm is the dtea!o;fo moll proper and onely notionof that phrafe throughout the Scripture.. Thirdly,