231 4 chain of Principles. ,kph. 4. Thirdly:, That it is feldome done, but where children tread in their fa- thers feps, and are guilty of the fame fins with their progenitours. Then no wonder ifwhat we finde in Ifaiahs pro- phefie be accompl.iíhed to the full, Be- 112. 65. 6, 7. bold it is written before me; l'Tviil not keep pence, but will recompenfe, even recompenfe into their bofomeyour iniquities, and the ini- quities ofyour fathers together faith the Lord which have burnt incenfe upon the mountains, andblajj h,emed meupon the hills therefore will 1 meafure their former Dark into their bofome. Fourthly , that it is never donebut with mercifull intentions ; namely to refrain men from fin upon this ground, becaule their children, whom they affet fo dearly are like to fmart for it. He is a trulymiferable heir that inheriteth his fathers fins with his lands: the onewill quickly eat out all, and more then all the comfort he can expect from the other. Now there is fcarce any penalty more grievous in. ChryJ