Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

ChainofPrinciple to 2. zQ 'foflomes opinion, then for a man to Exerc. só fee mifery brought uponhis offspring, 'cu Au?xax ptiiMcr and that for his fake. ,roams, 7115' §. 6. Rulers fhould imitate God = pa+ het ein by not dealing againi male. elms ó,03N. Chryfoffo ho- ,facîours to the utmofi of rigour but mil. a5. as exercilm í` g clemency in their corre i. o`re'` ons : not writing all their laws in bloud, as Draco of old is faid tohave done; notdifrnembring where a plaid fier will fuffice, nor applying feorp - ons where a rod will ferve the turn. Humanity is a manlike, cruelty a dia- bolical principle. In wrath God al- ways remembereth mercy, fo fhould they of whom it is written, I have laid ye are Gods. The fword of his juflice is always furbifhed with the oyl of lo- vingkindnefs; fo hould theirs. Our Queen Elizabcth is reported to have profeffed, That next- to the Scriptures DrHackwet the knew no book., which haddone r° 8faa Tox her fo much good, as the often reading 'of Seneca's treatife De dementia. 1).7. To fhut up this fo long dif H h courfe