the way, and full Játisfanion attur jour. neys end. John 3. t 6. James 1.5. and Pfal. 24.1. G/offed. Ifai. 25.6. Alluded to. Inferences fromdivine Bounty, bene- ficence to Saints not dealing niggardly Did, God, exemplified in David, Paul, andLuther. Truth in God is without all mixture of the contrary. it appears in his makinggoodofpromifes , and threatnings; teaching us what toperform and 'that to expert. EXERCITATION 4. Pag. 201. Keepingmercy for thouí`ands explained. Men exhorted to trufi Godwith their pom fleritÿ. Luthers hill Will and T'efta- nient.Iniquity tranfgrefsion andfinwhat. Six Scripture exprefsions Jettingout the pardon thereof. Gods goodnefs therein. Faith and repentance the way toit. Par- don in the Court of Heaven, andof Con- fcience. The equity and necefsity offor- giving one another. We are toforgive as God for Chrifis fake frgiveth us, viz. heartily,