Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

214 Chain of Principles- -ph. 4. (poken once, faithDavid,twice have Ìheard . this, that rower belongeth unto God. Ac- cordingly Mofes , as he heard this ad- mirable difcovery ofdivine goodnei, when the Lord firíf uttered it on mount Sinai : fo now he heareth it o- ver again and upon this fignal occa. lion maketh a due improvement of it,, by founding his plea for Ifrael upon it.. e,Äccording as thou haft Thoken Paying, The Lord is longfufring and ofgreat mercy,_ forgiving iniquity and tranfgrefsion, c. EXERCITATION Ó. Job II. 7, a; 9. expounded ofdivine Greatne f. Three reafons of that Expofition, with the refolu- tion of a queflion about it. The height of Gods . univerfal,unaccountable, omnipotent Sovereign- ty proved and improved. g. 1. P7Ophar in Job, being about. (as I now am) to fet forth the greatnefs of God, premifeth this inter- . 7, rogation, ('anff thou byfearching finde out God ? to implie the truth of what is elfewhere