-6 chain of Principles. Aph. 4. buses fpoken ofas branches of divine greatnefs in other places. Omnipotent Mal. 147.5 Sovereignty ; Great is the Lord andof ,great power. Omni fcient underí+anding. jell. 3. za. God is greater thenour heart, and knoweth Job 36. z6. all things. Everlaftingduration; behold, Gad is great, andwe know him not neither can the number ofhis years be Jearched out. 2 cuir. Omniprefent immenfty; Great is our God above all gods. Who is able to buildhim an houfé f eing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him ? Secondly eachparticular dimenfi- on is elfewhere applied to thefe very attributes, though fore with more clearnefs then others. Height toGods Eccler. 6. 8. Sovereignty. He that is higher then the highefl regarded.) and there be higher then Rom. __. 33, they. Depth tohis Omnifcience. 0 the depth f the riches both of the w(dome and knowledge of God ! Length to his Eter- nity. He coked life , and thou gavefl it to him ; even length ofdays for ever and ever. Which 'Calvin and the Chaldee para= phrafe, apply to Chrif, underítanding thereby