JIchain of Principles.. 137 thereby the eternal duration of his Exerc. 6. kingdome. Lafily breadth to his Omniprefence, but covertly in that of Ifaiah, Thexiorious Lord will be unto as a. Ir3.3z.zt.. place of broad rivers and flreams; tofgni fie that protetiorl and fafety, which. his pretence with his Church in every placeaffords to all the members there- of, like a broad river encompa.fsing a. fenced town on every fide. Thirdly, Me thinks there is fome- what expreft in Zophars fpeech which as to the two former particulars, tends to this interpretation. For havingPaid, It is a highas heaven, he prefently adds, What canfi thou do ? meaning perhaps what are thy weak abilities to his omnipotence ? He in regard of his So- vereign power cando all things; but thou, alas ! what can.ft thou do ? And after affirming., k is deeper then hell , he fubjoyneth, chat canfl thou know ? as if he had raid, what are thy fhallow ap- prehenfions to the depth of his thoughts ? He in regardof his omni. fcient