Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

238 AChain of Principles Aph. 4. fcient underffanding knoweth all things, but thou, poor man, What canft thou know? 4. 2. If it be asked, why I expound all there claufes ofGod, feeing the par- ticles It andThereof (Iris high heaven, The meature thereof)feern to relate unto fomewhat elfe. My anfwer is, that Ex- pofitours differ much about this very thing, and .according to their feveral apprehenfìoris tranflate thewords after a different manner. Thevulgar Latine and our old Engli/h tranflations carry all to Almighty God, who was men. tioned in the verfe before c ß thou finde out the Almighty ? reading it thus, He is higher then heaven, what art thou able to do ? His length exceeds the length of the earth (s-c. Others confidering that dig vers words in the orginal text being fe- minine will not agree in confrution withEloah and Saddai, whereby God is there expreil , have therefore looked back to the fixt verfe for an antecedent, where they meet with `"17.P" Vo dome,