238 AChain of Principles Aph. 4. fcient underffanding knoweth all things, but thou, poor man, What canft thou know? 4. 2. If it be asked, why I expound all there claufes ofGod, feeing the par- ticles It andThereof (Iris high heaven, The meature thereof)feern to relate unto fomewhat elfe. My anfwer is, that Ex- pofitours differ much about this very thing, and .according to their feveral apprehenfìoris tranflate thewords after a different manner. Thevulgar Latine and our old Engli/h tranflations carry all to Almighty God, who was men. tioned in the verfe before c ß thou finde out the Almighty ? reading it thus, He is higher then heaven, what art thou able to do ? His length exceeds the length of the earth (s-c. Others confidering that dig vers words in the orginal text being fe- minine will not agree in confrution withEloah and Saddai, whereby God is there expreil , have therefore looked back to the fixt verfe for an antecedent, where they meet with `"17.P" Vo dome,