heartily,feedily, frequently, throughly. A twofold remembranceofinjuries, in came- lam 04 in vindidam. EXERC1TAT1ON 5. Pag. 223. the latter Claules of Exod. 34.7. fe tranflated and expounded as to con- tain an eight branch ofdivinegood- nefs , viz. Clemency in correaing. Equi- ty in vißting iniquities of the fathers up- on the children. Clemency in flopping at the third and fourth generation. A leffn for magiorates. 1 Beech of our Queen Eliabeth. Gods proclamation in Exo- dus 34. Improved by Mofes in Num- bers 14. EXERCITAT1ON 6. Pag. 234. Job. i I. 7, 8, 9. expounded of divine Greatnef. Three realns of that Expofi-- tion with the refolution of a que/lion about it. The height of Gods univerfal, unaccountable, omnipotent Sovereignty trolledand improved. Ex-