Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

EpheC 1.4. compared withRevel. i 7 8. Ephef. i. 9. and Rom. 9. 13. CX.- pounded. God not bound to any crea- ture; except by promífe. The parable in Matth.zo. urged. The three configi c.nts ofnegative reprobation. Dr Davenants <Animadverfions againt NI' Hoards book recommended. The goodneloci God manife/ted in EleEtion, as in a rn jt free, peculiar, ancient, trading, and ftandíng favour. EXERCITATION Prig. 3 x7. n Introduction to Romans 9. Moft part of that chapter expounded, together )vith fundrypaffages inchapter lo, and 11. for .proof of thefe t1vo conclutons. i. That Paul in Rom.9. doth upon occafion pro- pound and proAcute the doRrin.eof Pre- defIination. 2. That he derives the De- cree of preterition from the Sovereign greatneJs of 'God. A.Confeaary ß;e virg how ufefull the [aid doctrine is to lober ,nindes. .A 2 E