Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

EXERCITATION 4 Pag 359. creation what. Pythagoras andTri.fine- giía. Hebr. 6.3. opened:. Scripture- Philofcphy. Ex nihilo nihil fit, how true. Creature what. Gads goodnefc in works cf creation particularly in the framing ofAdam. The confultat ion upon wí)icb, pattern after which,parts ofwhich heframed. Two pillories, one o fa Prief the other ofa Monk. The original ofboy dy andfòul improved. EXERCITATION Pag. 381. The fame and other attributes of God de- claredfrom hisprovidential di//enfations,, the interchangeablenefs whereof largely difcourfd of and applied from Ecclef- Oles 7.14..1 glofs upon Isaiah. chaps. 1:o. it. Che,arfulnef a duty in fix re- 'peas ; Croy's how to be confidered. 5.