AP HORISIVIE VI.. Pag. 400. Providence extends it fell, not onely to all created beings and to all hu- mane affairs_, efpecially thofe that concern the Church but even to the fins of Angels and men. EXER.0 1TAT ION. Pag. 400. IntroduCtion concerning the contents ofthis Aphorifine. Providence over all created beings. Prefrvation ofmen to be afcribed to God himfelf, not togood men, yea not to good Angels , in whom heart -. fearching and patience wanting. Provi- dence reaching to humane affairs Oeco- nomical, Civil, Military, Moral and &c- clefiaflical. Arlaftafus his deign fru-- lrate. Tome and our nation inflanced in.. j.. G. calligated. EXERC1TATI:ON 2.. Pig. 415. Deuteron. u. 12. opened. Gods can over A 3 the