the Church proved from the provifion he makes, for inferiour creatures. From If- raels conduct. From the experiments and acknowledgements of Saints in all ages. Experiments of the virgin Mary Ko- chellers, Mufculus, acknowledgements of Jacob David, Pfzlmit}, Aul}in and Urfin. From Gods caufing things andarts of all forts to cooperate unto the good of theSaints. Ifaiah 27. 2,3. ex= plained. The Church preferved from, in, and by dangers, EXERC1TAT ION Pag. 438. lard-heartednefs made up of unteachable- nefs in the undemanding, untrariablenefs in the will, unfaithful b nefs in the memory, ,unfenfblenef in the confience and un- moveablenef in the afertions. Metaphors to exprefs it from theparts of mans body, flones and mettais A loft heart. my- chief fearednefs and virulency attend- ants ofhardnefs. Gods concurring there- -unto by way ofprivation, negation per- mif ion, 3.