mifsion, prefentation. Tradition toSatan. Delivering up to lulls and infliction. EXERCLTAT1ON 4. Pag. 463. Objedions againa and Corollaries from the foregoing propofitions.The leari things providedfor. Luthers admo- ninon to Melanfthon. Maximilians addrefi Plinies unbelief. The Plalmills /1tun at the prof erity ofthe .ticked.His recovery by confidering it ma not full, Das not to be final. Thefuperintendency of Providence over military and civil af- fairs in particular. The Churches afflictio ons. Promiles cautioned. Duty of cafling careupon God. Heno autbour of fin.The tteliationof this State, andof this ter.